Sunday, April 23, 2006

Life As I Know It.

It's been a long time since my last post. Despite mental, verbal, and physical abuse courtesy of my friend Jen, it's still been nigh over a month since I last hit this old thang, and so much has happened in that time.
I'll try to recount it in point form:
  • I got a job at the Commercial Club.
  • I started picking chestnuts.
  • I had a job interview in Melbourne for a ski lift job.
  • I put some snowboard boots on lay-by.
  • I quit the Commercial Club.
  • I started going to the gym.
  • I went camping with Jen's man.
  • I found $50.

So as you can see, i've been flat out.
In hindsight though, I shouldnt have quit the club. As of this moment, I have $140 to my name, which hast to last me 12 days. During that time, I have to go to Melbourne for 2 interviews, which in train tickets alone, will be about $100. I owe centrelink $40 and I also have a phone bill I have to pay.
I'm going to my grandparents for 3 days, which means I will at least save money on food whilst up there (as long as I don't get sick of ham), but apart from that, things will be very tight.

I find out whether I got the ski lift job later on this week. If that happens, then I dont have to go to Melbourne, and I'll have a guaranteed job up at the snow, where I can snowboard 4 days a week, get paid for full time hours, and move the hell away from Albury. Everything would be sweet.
I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high.
