Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Bye Bye Buller

Originally uploaded by jases.

Today, after heading to Melbourne for interviews and waiting with baited breath for 2 weeks, I finally got a response from one of the ski resorts about my job application.
And no, I didnt get it.
It's weird. I've never really had that much trouble getting jobs before. I see myself as pretty cluey and easy to get along with, and in customer service jobs, isnt that what you're after? I also thought the interviews went pretty well. I stubbed my cigarette out, put it behind my ear, loosened my sweatpants, and strolled in, thongs a'flappin' with an air of confidence and body odour. I had that shit in a bag!
Not really.
Well there must be a lot of applicants out there a damn sight better than I. Today I also got a letter from Hotham telling me that i'd wasted my time and money getting the train up to Melbourne and turning up to an interview.
I'm still waiting on one or two more applications that I threw out there, but just quietly, I wouldnt be suprised if it call comes to nought. I've quit jobs, resisted looking for new ones, spent my spare money on snow clothes, and told everyone what I was doing I was that sure i'd land one. I have nothing holding me here right now! I cant see anyone else who could more easily shift his shit up to the snow for a season.
I just got my hopes up so high for these jobs. I've applied at 6 separate mountains, and for nothing to come of it with less than a month to go until the snow season is just so fucking depressing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or else you could work at tax, end a heap more money and spend your weekends snowboarding instead of having to work!