Saturday, May 06, 2006

Harness the awesome power of Tomatoes!

Until I googled it, I never realised that V8 vege juice came in a can. Just the thought of carbonated tomato juice is somewhat unnerving. Even if it were available here (I assume this is an America only thing) I couldn't see myself coming home from a hard days work in the 'mine and cracking open an ice cold can of bubbly tomato juice.
I currently drink the un-carbonated, un-unnatural variety to balance out, in my own head, my own atrocious diet of kebabs, pies, and very little in the way of legitimate healthy food. Last I heard, an orange gobstopper does NOT replace an orange in terms of vitamins and nutrients.
Also, i'm mildly scared that i'll develop scurvy if I dont start treating my body with more respect than your average crack-whore or skateboarder.
I have started going to the gym though. Soon, every one of my readers will get a ticket to the gun-show.

1 comment:

jenu said...

I don't know that its carbonated is it?