Thursday, June 22, 2006

Wheres the beef? .. uhh, snow?

Contrary to popular belief, theres actually a couple of runs open at Falls, albeit with man-made snow, but still they would be fine for me. Right now it's my day off and im on a bloody computer paying out the arse for internet time (Mountain internet time. More expensive than regular internet time) while I could be up there boarding the day away if only I had the $750 for my darn season pass. I just got paid though, and I put a large chunk of it to the side so in 2 or 3 weeks i should be apples. Fingers crossed that the snow will also be apples. All I need is the dedication to curb my drinking tendencies (bordering on alchoholism... i kid i kid!) and not get so drunk that I go to Big Cup Night at The Man (one of the pubs here) and spend seventeen dollars on a damned pizza! It was sooo good too, but still... seventeen dollars! I am a fool.

At work, due to the dearth of snow, we've just been doing some pretty weird, bordering on unnecessary work. I spent an hour sweeping the road out front of work yesterday. But also, i've been doing some interesting stuff like helping carpet Snow Cats (hey, I found it interesting!) and some wiring stuff. I'm taking any and all shifts that I can get my hands on for that elusive season pass.
By the way, if you check . and see a shuttle-bus or a troopy on it down the bottom, chances are I'm driving it. Also, you can see a building in the middle, and just catch a glimpse of another one behind it... thats where I live! Rivetting stuff, eh?

I've just had a sneaky look at this computer... and theres no USB ports! Shit! I cant upload the room photo's, the photo of my board (it has a new LAN Mine sticker... looks rad!) or the people that i'm living with.
Rest assured though, i'm having a great time up here. The people I live with are really easy to get along with, and most of all, i'm enjoying being away from Albury, where i've been hanging out for far too long. I can go out here without fear of running into any evil ex girlfriends, and most people here have a great 'im on holiday' attitude. I'm missing one or two people... but all in all I guess i'll adjust and it'll be alright.

And i'm out.

Current Lift Pass Saving Status:

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