Thursday, September 08, 2005

I am PostBot

At work, Susan (one of the ladies I work with) was in her usual devastating form with the rubber-bands. That lady is crazy with those things! I dont know how many times i've worn a rubber band smack in the mouth from her when she's all the way across the bloody room. I was wise to her ways though, and constructed some armour (a chest / face protecting get up made of express post-packs and internal mail boxes, tacked together and with arm and neck holes). All of a sudden, I was PostBot! wielder of letter openers! Impervious to rubber bands! It was a great minute or so up until everyone got sick of firing at the armour and concentrated on my unprotected crotch and legs. I got cranky after that, realised how ridiculous I looked and ripped the shit off.
This week has been pretty crummy. Work-wise anyways. I seem to miss my bedtime every night, so I get tireder and tireder every day and I just feel more and more like a dirty old handkerchief. But then I stay up again! It's such a vicious circle! Tonight though, i'm going to go and get some Tiger Beer (I've been wanting to try it properly since dave gave me a taste) get some Hungry Jacks and watch the fucking Simpsons for a few hours before crashing early for once. Right now, that sounds like heaven.
Jen and I are going to Falls Creek for a 'Big Cup Party'. Apparently you bring the biggest cup, with a handle, and as long as they can jam it under the taps you can have it filled for $7! That will be freaking awesome. I havent drunk with Jen for ages, so that'll be sweet, plus, i mean, Falls Creek. Can you say snowboard chicks? I knowI can! Heres hoping I find one who ran into a pine tree or sustained some kind of brain-affecting injury to hit on!
I'll probably post again before the actual party, but i;m out now. Simpsons is on!


Anonymous said...

I'd like one. I never knew that home loans read blogs.
You really do learn something new every day.

Anonymous said...

I like your blog too

- Caravan

Anonymous said...

Me too

- Rusty Car

Anonymous said...

Yeah its truly interesting

- Blue Chip Shares

Anonymous said...

yeah coolio
--a boat