Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Landscape.. whhooaaaahhh.

Originally uploaded by jases.

My housemates, Dave and Sal got a funky new camera today, and they took a landscape photo of me in my room to test it out. Its actually 3 separate photo's that it stitches together. Pretty damned funky! It even has... a remote con-freaking-trol that means you can set it, walk into the photo, and set it off with a tiny remote. Funky as hell!
I'll post something more substantial than this soon. Plus, thanks to losing my job, I shoulda put some Google ad's in here. Jen is giving it a go, and the money is just flooding in! Apparently by the time im 30,000 years old, i'll be a millionaire!

Ps. You'll have to click on the photo and look at the actual size to make anything out. Sorry about that... i wasnt sure how flickr was going to post it.

1 comment:

jenu said...

A cool camera and your room still looks like a dungeon!