Monday, August 08, 2005

Life in general.

At the moment, my life isnt at what you'd call its finest point. I wake up 5.45 every morning, stumble my cold arse out of bed and into my large novelty slippers. Whip up some porridge and work at the tax office for 8 hours every weekday. This might not sound like the slice of hell i make it out to be, but just quietly:
1) Early mornings and I are not compatible. Jen can wholeheartedly attest to this.
2) Every hour i spend working at the mighty tax office, a small piece of my soul dies. There was a period of about 2 hours today that i spent moving boxes of mail around to make room for more boxes. When you labour for 2 hours, one would love to see the fruit of ones labours. Unfortunately, i had just made room for more of the damned boxes.
It's saving grace is, in an effort to make this most mind-numbing of jobs more agreeable, the pay is good, the people I work with are awesome and breaks are ample. Mind you, as soon as i have saved enough to get my butt over the ocean, i am a shadow there. Then, hopefully, my overseas sojourn will provide grist for the proverbial blog mill, as opposed to it's current, tragic content.
After work has ended, i dance out the door and generally to my work (the internet cafe) for a soothing hour or 4 of counter-strike, or if i'm feeling frisky, i hit the gym Jen until out legs are jelly and we cant lift our shoulders properly. Truly, heaven must be such as my life!
After this, theres an early bedtime to looks forward to! Which... shit. It's past that at the moment.
Off to bed I go! I hope all you readers... actually, i dont think anyone has actually read this yet. This is just me... typing to myself. Which seems kinda weird, actually.
Uhh... g'night...

1 comment:

jenu said...

Well well, Mr Picky forgot to allow anonymous posts...I'm sorry Mr Picky? I meant Mr Hypocriticky!!!

nice blog tho, you have some words missing in this post tho... :)