Tuesday, August 09, 2005

What is that thing?

I was sitting at a computer, doing 8 hours of data upload at work today, when i felt something a little bit painful on my back. A brief trip to the mirror, and it is the mother of all pimples. It's one of those ones that is just begging to be squozen, and squozen good. There is some perverse gratification to be had from squeezing a pimple of this calibre, and truly this was a pimple to be envied.
The catch is, its slightly too high on my back for me to reach! I couldn't believe it! I can only swat at it ineffectually with my mobile phone while it stands there, mocking me. I guess i'll have to do the responsible thing that all women seem to tell you about pimples and 'leave it alone. Squeeze it, and it'll scar!".
Unless i can fashion some sort of remote squeezing device... hmmm....

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